Lantian Xie with Kabelo Malatsie, Michelle Wong
Hekate Film Collective (İpek Hamzaoğlu and Laura Nitsch)
ft. Gabriel de la Cruz
November 15 – January 08, 2022

We are pleased to announce the third exhibition of Lantian Xie at Grey Noise, Dubai.

Titled ’Volcano’, Xie appears as part of an ongoing ensemble deliberation on discursive justice alongside Kabelo Malatsie and Michelle Wong with Hekate Film Collective (İpek Hamzaoğlu and Laura Nitsch) ft. Gabriel de la Cruz.


The immovable hides in plain sight, and masks a movement that is not a movement. The inner volatility of a local event can imprint an indeterminate, extended perimeter, and open a breach into that which was confident that it would remain unscathed.

Eruptions transform tonalities, and make the immovable move. In the moment of eruption what is solid is disassembled and rearranged, and even the most stably constituted categories undergo tectonic shifts.

A thud from deep within the earth awakens all, startling with a sound that comes to everyone, everywhere. A tremor passed across the planet – so immense that it even registered on barometric instruments as a discernible variation in air pressure – within hours, from Vienna to Calcutta. The eruption of the Krakatoa volcano on the 26th of August, 1883, is probably the first global event registered in real time. Several years later, unusually dramatic sunsets and a thickening of the air produced a new optic, changing the rendition of light and colour in painting.

There is no opportune moment to hold a volcano; it makes irrelevant the temporal vanity of division between arriving early or departing late.

- Raqs Media Collective


Volcano is also screening at Present Projects, Hong Kong, and on view as part of
Hungry for Time: An invitation to epistemic disobedience curated by Raqs Media Collective
at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna.


About the artist

Lantian Xie
b. 1988, Dubai, UAE / Lives and works in Tuscany, Italy.

Lantian Xie makes images, objects, concepts, jazz bands, motorcycles, and parties. Previous exhibitions include 57th Venice Biennial, 11th Shanghai Biennial, 3rd Kochi-Muziris Biennial, 14th Sharjah Biennial, 7th Yokohama Triennale.

In 2005 he received the Kalasuri, Sri Lanka President’s title of honour for excellence in visual arts.

press release pdf / view show

